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English Roundhand Writing Tutorial with Images

English Roundhand, also known as Copperplate, is a beautiful and elegant writing style that has been used for centuries. It is often used for formal invitations, certificates, and other important documents. If you are interested in learning how to write in English Roundhand, this tutorial will guide you through the process with easy-to-follow instructions and images.

Materials Needed:

- Oblique pen holder

- Flexible nib (Hunt 101 or Nikko G)

- Black ink (Sumi, Higgins, or other calligraphy ink)

- Practice paper (preferably dotted or grid paper)

Step 1: Hold the Pen Holder

Hold the pen holder at a 45-degree angle to the paper with the nib pointing towards the upper right corner. The oblique pen holder helps create the slanted lines in the letters of English Roundhand.

Step 2: Dip the Nib in Ink

Dip the nib into the ink and tap off any excess ink on the side of the ink jar. Make sure the nib is fully coated in ink before beginning to write.

Step 3: Practice the Basic Strokes

Before jumping into writing letters, it is important to practice the basic strokes of English Roundhand. These include the upstroke, downstroke, and hairline stroke. The upstroke is a thin line that moves upwards, while the downstroke is a thick line that moves downwards. The hairline stroke is a very thin line that is used to connect the upstrokes and downstrokes.

Step 4: Practice Writing Letters

Once you have practiced the basic strokes, you can begin to write letters. Start with lowercase letters and work your way up to uppercase letters. Pay attention to the slant of the letters and the spacing between them. English Roundhand is a very precise writing style, so take your time and practice each letter until it looks just right.

Step 5: Practice Writing Words and Sentences

Once you are comfortable writing individual letters, practice writing words and sentences. This will help you get a feel for how the letters flow together and how to create words that are evenly spaced and easy to read.

Step 6: Experiment with Flourishes and Decorations

English Roundhand allows for a lot of creativity when it comes to flourishes and decorations. Experiment with different ways to add flourishes to your letters and how to decorate your words to make them stand out.

With practice and patience, you can master the art of English Roundhand writing. Remember to take your time and enjoy the process. Happy writing!


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