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The nose is an essential part of the human body, responsible for the sense of smell and breathing. But how do we pronounce the word 'nose' in English?

In English, 'nose' is pronounced as /noʊz/. The sound of the 'o' is similar to the sound in the word 'boat' or 'toe.' The 's' at the end of the word is pronounced as an unvoiced 's' sound, where the air passes through the mouth without the vibration of the vocal cords.

It's important to note that the pronunciation of 'nose' may vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect. For example, some British English speakers may pronounce 'nose' with a longer 'o' sound, making it sound like 'noh-z.'

Additionally, the word 'nose' can also be used in idiomatic expressions, such as 'to turn up one's nose' meaning to show disdain or disapproval, or 'to follow one's nose' meaning to trust one's instincts or intuition.

In conclusion, the word 'nose' is pronounced as /noʊz/ in English, with the 'o' sound similar to 'boat' or 'toe' and an unvoiced 's' at the end. Understanding the pronunciation of common words like 'nose' can help improve your English speaking and listening skills.


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