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1. Check-in: 登机手续

When you arrive at the airport, you will need to check in for your flight. This involves presenting your passport and ticket to the check-in desk, and possibly checking any luggage.


例句:Excuse me, where can I check in for my flight?

2. Boarding pass: 登机牌

Once you have checked in, you will be given a boarding pass. This is a document that allows you to board the plane and includes your seat number and boarding time.


例句:I need to print my boarding pass, where can I do that?

3. Security check: 安检

Before you can board the plane, you will need to pass through security. This involves placing your personal items and carry-on luggage through an X-ray machine and walking through a metal detector.


例句:I need to go through security, where is the security checkpoint?

4. Gate: 登机口

The gate is the location where you will board your flight. It will be listed on your boarding pass and displayed on screens throughout the airport.


例句:What gate is my flight departing from?

5. Boarding: 登机

Boarding is the process of getting on the plane. You will need to present your boarding pass and passport, and possibly have your carry-on luggage checked again.


例句:When will boarding begin for my flight?

6. Seat: 座位

Your seat is the location where you will sit on the plane. It will be indicated on your boarding pass and you will need to find it once you board the plane.


例句:Excuse me, can you help me find my seat?

7. Take off: 起飞

Take off is the moment when the plane begins to leave the ground and ascend into the air.


例句:We will be taking off in a few minutes.

8. Landing: 降落

Landing is the moment when the plane touches down on the runway and comes to a stop.


例句:We will be landing shortly, please fasten your seatbelts.



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