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Typhoon is a common natural disaster, and its destructive power and impact cannot be ignored. Before the typhoon strikes, we need to make adequate preparations to ensure our own safety and that of our families.

Firstly, we should pay attention to the meteorological department's forecast and timely understand the typhoon's path and intensity. If the typhoon is forecast to be a strong typhoon or a super typhoon, we should avoid going out as much as possible, stop outdoor activities, and ensure safety indoors.

Secondly, we need to prepare enough food and drinking water, especially in the event of power outages and water supply interruptions. We should also have necessary items such as emergency medicines and fire extinguishers.

Finally, we need to strengthen the fixing of houses and furniture to ensure that they will not be blown down by the wind or washed away by floods. We should also pay attention to dangerous items such as trees and power poles around us.

In summary, in the face of typhoon disasters, we should remain calm, make adequate preparations, and ensure our own safety and that of our families. At the same time, we should also pay attention to and help those who suffer from disasters and make contributions to the disaster-stricken areas.


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