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The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The Chinese pronunciation of Chongyang is 'chóng yáng', with the emphasis on the first syllable 'chóng' and a rising tone on the second syllable 'yáng'.

This festival has a long history dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and is commonly associated with climbing mountains, drinking chrysanthemum tea, and eating traditional festive foods such as rice cakes and osmanthus cakes. The number 'nine' is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture, and the Double Ninth Festival is also a day to pay homage to the elderly and show respect for ancestors.

In modern times, the Double Ninth Festival has become a time for families to gather and spend time together, as well as participate in various cultural activities such as calligraphy, painting, and kite flying. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of autumn and the changing of the seasons.

As a traditional Chinese holiday, the Double Ninth Festival serves as a reminder of the importance of family, tradition, and respect for the past.


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