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中国制造 英文怎么写





China Manufacturing

China Manufacturing refers to the output of the manufacturing industry in mainland China. In recent years, China's manufacturing industry has rapidly emerged as one of the most important manufacturing industries in the world. The success of China's manufacturing industry is due to the support of the Chinese government and the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, as well as the hard work and wisdom of Chinese workers.

The success of China's manufacturing industry also faces many challenges, such as high costs, environmental pollution, and intellectual property protection. The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to address these issues, such as implementing environmental protection policies and strengthening intellectual property protection.

Despite these problems, China's manufacturing industry still maintains a strong growth trend. The development of China's manufacturing industry not only promotes the growth of China's economy, but also makes important contributions to the world economy. The success of China's manufacturing industry is the pride of the Chinese people and a precious wealth of the world.


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